Member Resources


In order to better support Outdoor Educators, OEASA has decided to update its website to include various Outdoor Education resources. These electronic resources will be available for all members to download. To assist this we are asking for the submission of any Outdoor Education resources that you have created and are willing to share. Please note that although once on the website your work will be available for all members to use, you will be acknowledged as the creator of that particular document.

These resources can be in a range of forms, such as lesson or activity plans, worksheets, assessment pieces, teacher resources, risk assessments, etc. and can be aimed at any age level, from primary to adult learners. They can also be on any topic that you feel may be appropriate for an Outdoor Education curriculum. Possible topics include, but are not restricted to:

  • Food and nutrition
  • Bushcraft skills (tent construction, etc.)
  • Trangia® cooking
  • Navigation
  • Environmental issues, sustainability and management
  • Group dynamics
  • Minimal impact
  • Team building games or Initiatives
  • Positive outcomes
  • Risk assessment
  • Journal writing
  • Trip intentions
  • Reflective writing
  • Safety
  • Various outdoor adventure activites
  • Equipment and packing
  • Environmental investigations

When submitting a resource, please fill out the submission form and attach it to your work.

Thank you so much in advance for any resources that you are willing to share: we appreciate your time in supporting this initiative.

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Resources in OEASA Outdoor Resources
Compass variation:
A combined compass rose with true and magnetic bearings with the 8° variation of the Adelaide area. Two per sheet. Prepared by Peter Carter (31.0 Kb)
Navigating Barker Inlet:
A set of worked examples of measuring distance, determining bearings and fixing position by resection. Prepared by Peter Carter (631.8 Kb)
Navigation computer:
A circular slide rule device for navigation calculations: time/speed/distance, etc. Prepared by Peter Carter (87.4 Kb)