
All South Australian educators involved in outdoor education are invited to join OEASA.

Membership categories:

  • Basic membership $20
  • Full Individual $70
  • School/Corporate/Family/Organisation $80


Members will receive the OEASA newsletters, Outdoor News, the Australian Journal of Outdoor Education (two per year), and affiliation to other State Associations via the Outdoor Council of Australia and Outdoor Education Australia.


Please login if you already have an account or want to renew your membership. Or if you are looking to join, please register below by selecting the best membership for you.


For a full list of membership benefits go to Member Benefits


Please note:

Our prefered method of payment is via the online payment system using a credit card.

Direct deposit payments are only processed once a month as we are a volunteer run association.

If you require an invoice for payment please email:

Our bank details are below:

Electronic Funds Transfer:  
Account Name: Outdoor Educators’ Association of SA

BSB No. 805-007 
ACC No. 00748923 
Reference: ** Use your membership name please**

email remittance advice to 


Already have an account?
